
MISSIONS: Reaching Out to the World

Midtown Church has a passion for reaching people for Christ, both in our community and throughout the world, and so we support the following Missionaries and Organizations:


One Hope Canada

Roland McQuade
Director of Credentialing and Frontline Resources

For more information, please check out their website at https://onehopecanada.ca/

Copied from their website:
Roland, with his wife Marilyn, has served as a full-time missionary with One Hope Canada since 1995. He has filled a wide variety of roles from Bible Camp Director to BC Field Director. For 20 years he directed a mobile day camp outreach to BC’s unreached communities, serving with Marilyn and their three children, Sarah, Melissa, and James.
Presently, Roland serves on the Ministry Resource Centre Support Team, overseeing the Online Training Centre, providing training to our summer missionaries and overseeing our new full-time missionaries in our credentialing program. Roland also creates teaching videos for all our missionaries and serves as a Bible camp chapel speaker.


Commission To Every Nation

Heath and Mariko Meikle

In East Vancouver, Canada

For more information, please check out their website at

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Power to Change – Digital Strategies

James Warkentin is a missionary serving God as a Web Programmer with Digital Strategies, a part of Power to Change (formerly Campus Crusade for Christ). As Technical Director, James is responsible for much of the back-end code required to make the websites work properly. He manages a small team of other programmers and designers as well as doing a lot of the programming himself. 

Half the world is online. As of today, that’s over three billion people. And they’re turning to the Internet for answers, for some kind of hope. They’re looking for people who understand and can offer love and support. So Digital Strategies helps them know Jesus. They start by telling compelling stories that get right at the need people are experiencing. Then they encourage people to talk to an online mentor. Digital Strategies equips and mobilizes over 1,000 online mentors to walk with people throughout their spiritual journey toward Jesus, both online and in person, and also partners with churches and ministries to do the same. Because the world is online, that’s where Digital Strategies is too. They’re helping people know Jesus, one conversation at a time.

Learn more about Power-to-Change, Digital Strategies at https://p2c.com/digitalstrategies/

You can find out more about James and Carolanne at https://ptc.jamesandcarolanne.com



This field’s main ministry focus is training pastors and church workers for local church ministry and church planting in the Brazil Baptist Convention. CHAIN of Love, a ministry based on Christian compassion, meets the needs of abused and abandoned children by providing genuine love in a group home environment.

Lyndell Campbell & Paulo André Réquia. Lyndell is a Seminary Teacher and helps her husband with church planting.  To find out more about Lyndell and Paulo, and read their latest prayer letter, go to:  http://nabconference.org/missions/lyndell-Campbell


World Team

Gary and Sandra Clow have just retired from World Team, but we’ve kept their information here so you can read about their missionary involvement over the many years. 

Gary and Sandra Clow are missionaries with World Team, which they joined in 1986 and served as church planters through 1994. In 1995 Gary became World Team Cuba Ministries Coordinator. In 2004 Gary took on the role of Operations Manager for the Americas Area of World Team. From 2014 until 2022 he served as the America Areas Director, overseeing World Team ministry in South America, the Caribbean and North America.

In 1990 Gary began serving as as communications liaison between World Team and The Evangelical Convention of Cuba, Los Pinos Nuevos, the denomination begun by World Team missionaries in 1928. As a Spanish speaker Gary is able to speak directly with church leaders in Cuba.  Ministry also includes preaching and teaching in Cuba, as well as leading ministry trips to Cuba for Christians who wish to be involved in that exciting ministry.

Gary’s involvement in Cuba grew until 1995 when he was appointed Cuba Ministries Coordinator, one of the positions he currently holds within World Team.  This work involves coordinating World Team’s ministry with our denomination in Cuba, The Evangelical Convention of Cuba, Los Pinos Nuevos, and with other denominations, as well as coordination of ministry involving other missions who work with World Team in Cuba.

Over the past ten years Gary has become involved in the World Team training department.  He is one of the facilitators in several of World Team’s online eLearning courses and helped in the development of some of the courses. In January 2022 he took on the position of Oversight of the World Team Online Training System as well as overseeing the World Team ministry in Cuba.

Sandra is always active in evangelism, discipleship and mentoring.  When we were church planting she led the women’s ministries and social activities.  Today she continues to do the same things.  She has weekly Bible studies, one on one with women, especially younger women.  She is mentor to many women, visits the sick in hospital and is head of women’s ministries in the church we currently attend.  Sandra is busier in personal ministry than Gary!